Welcome to the Institutional Repository Educación
The National Educational Information System (ENI-Educacion) offers an open access space for data analysis and visualization of information generated from the National Research and Advocacy Projects (Pronaii) of the National Strategic Program, Pronaces-Education. This public information resource is aimed at all those interested in this topic; it is an especially useful platform for researchers, academics, students, as well as for decision makers.
The National Educational Information System is organized into chapters. These, in turn, are associated with digital repositories that contain information, documents and various materials related to and/or derived from scientific research.
Browsing by Author
Showing results 19 to 38 of 115 < previous next >
- Blanca Xóchitl Pérez Astorga 4
- Carlos Alonso Ramón Moraita 1
- Carlos Arias Miranda 1
- Carlos Manuel Maas Tun 1
- Carolyn O'Meara 5
- Cástulo Acosta Landa 1
- Claudia Ivette Cabrales Torres 1
- Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Yucatán, plantel Buctzotz 1
- Consejo Nacional de Humanides, Ciencias y Tecnologías 32
- Cosme Casas Pensado 3
- Darlene Gonzalez Miy 2
- Debora Raquel Perales Morales 4
- Edson Antonio Quijano Escamilla 1
- Elidia Guadalupe de los Santos Vázquez 1
- Elin Emilsson Ingvarsdóttir 2
- Eloísa Alcocer Vázquez 7
- Emilio Botello Oliva 1
- Erasto Alberto Arias Aveleyra 1
- Erica Elena González Apodaca 3
Showing results 19 to 38 of 115
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